Sunday, 23 August 2015

Reasons Why HIV/AIDS is far spread in Nigeria

HIV/AIDS is an illness really spreading fast among people and therefore causing the loss of millions
of lives, especially in Nigeria where there is virtually little awareness of the ways through which HIV/AIDS can be spread. Most Nigerians believe that HIV/AIDS is simply spread through unprotected s*x with anyone and they feel that once they have used a cond*m while doing it they are fully protected. Little do they know that the illness can be contacted through more mediums which I am going to discuss with you guys in this article.

First, of all I guess you all know the meaning of HIV/AIDS. Well, for the benefit of those who don't, I am going to define HIV/AIDS and give a very brief explanation if what it means.

AIDS means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by a small germ called Human Deficiency Virus. The Human Deficiency Virus (HIV) that cause AIDS is a small germ that is too small to be seen with an ordinary microscope. It only takes a few of those viruses to enter the human body for one to become infected and later develop the condition we call AIDS.

AIDS is caused by a virus. Some people in Nigeria believe that AIDS is caused by witchcraft, or directly from God, bad water or mosquitoes.

HIV belongs to a group of viruses known as retro viruses. There are several types(varieties) of HIV. If a person is infected with any type of HIV, and the person is not treated with an anti retro viral drug, it will certainly develop into AIDS, and the person will die within two to fourteen days.

There are many ways through which HIV/AIDS spreads. When an infected person's blood, semen or vaginal fluid touches a healthy person blood or mucous membrane.

These many ways are discussed as follows: To be continued ...... Watch out for part 2


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